İnfantil Ekzotropyada Preoperatif Deviasyonun Cerrahi Başarı ve Duyusal Fonksiyon Üzerindene Etkisi



Background: This study aims to assess the impact of preoperative deviation on surgical success and sensory function in infantile exotropia. Furthermore, effects late timing these patients.Materials Methods: retrospective evaluated 16 subjects with exotropia that underwent management between 2012 2018. Patients ≤ 50 prism diopters (PD) were added Group 1, > PD 2 function. The is descri-bed as ≤5 esotropia ≤10 for patients. Titmus stereopsis Worth 4-Dot tests used assessment.Results: average was 50,63 ± 18,7 (20-90). median age at time surgery 73 (24-400) months. Surgical observed 75% patients after first surgery, all second surgery. assessed 11 testable (68.7%), which 5 (45.4%) fusion 4-Point test, (18.1%) achieved measurable stereopsis. While had an effect fusion, it no success(p=0,015; p=0,45; p=0,77 respectively).Conclusions: smaller may be associated a higher rate sensorial development. relatively high can patients.Keywords: Exotropia, Preoperative deviation, Strabismus, Stereopsis

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عنوان ژورنال: Harran Üniversitesi týp fakültesi dergisi

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['1304-9623', '1309-4025']